Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who Am I & Why Am I Here?

Both great questions. My name is Annette and I'm a free-spirited twenty-something just trying to make the most out of my life. I was born and raised here in Central California where you see more dairies and fields then you see of anything else. It's not the most entertaining or glamorous place to live (obviously), but I guess it makes you appreciate the simpler things in life. I have a somewhat close yet dysfunctional family that I adore and a great group of friends that are constantly around and making me laugh. While I live in the #1 place for teen births (sad but true) I have no kids of my own...yet.

As far as why I'm here...I not only love to write but I've found it's a great way to help with my ever present insomnia. LOL. OK, seriously those aren't the only reasons but I'll get to the rest in a minute. I guess you can say I wanted to document my day-to-day life and the people/things that inspire me. I don't have any great expectations out of writing this blog other than maybe making some people laugh or maybe even inspiring a few people here and there. I may not be all that old but I have gone through my fair share of good and bad experiences and if I can help people from making the same mistakes I have, then I'm happy. So if you take the time to read or follow my blog I hope you enjoy it. 

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